Life is hard. Life is full of challenges. Life is full of
sorrows. Life is full of needs. Life is hard, however, we know that it is
possible. Life is full of challenges that will help us grow and become
stronger. Life is full of sorrows that will help us to learn how to support
others in their times of need. Life is full of needs that only the gospel of
Jesus Christ can fulfil.
This week was an extremely difficult week for me however I
have been able to learn more than I have ever before. I came to internet
feeling slightly defeated when I realized, we are only defeated when we submit
to defeat! This life is a battle and we will continue to battle until we win or
we submit to defeat and I will not submit to defeat.
In Pocollay we are passing for many difficulties but we are
passing and we will continue to keep passing these difficulties until we are
changed! There is no way for us to progress with out the stress of change. I
feel like this last week was extremely challenging but I have seen many areas
of Pocollay progressing. Ricardo was going to church by himself for the first
time in his life. I was surprised to call Jesus for the first time and he said
that he had already changed his clothes and was out the door. One thing that is
coming to my mind right now is that I am trying to help this ward fulfill its
full potential but am I doing it in the lords way. I must cast away all
ambition and pride. Elder Uceda talked to us a few months ago and he spoke of a
quote from President Gordon B. Hinckley, President Hinckley said to the
missionaries, You are nobody, You are no great person, but you are all that the
lord has to do his work.
We have work to do, you and I, so very much of it. Let us roll up our sleeves and get at it, with a new commitment, putting our trust in the Lord.
come, ye Saints, no toil nor labor fear;
with joy wend your way.
hard to you this journey may appear,
shall be as your day.
We can do it, if we will be prayerful and faithful. We can do better than we have ever done before.
The Church needs your strength. It needs your love and loyalty and devotion. It needs a little more of your time and energy.
hope that this week I can look forward to the difficulties of the following week
and that I may be able to help one more person everyday I am here!