Elder Tanner

Elder Tanner

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mission Week Twenty Five Pocollay

My Dear Family and Friends,


The Power of Prayer: I hope you know how much I love you all! If there is one thing that I was able to learn this week it is the strength and blessings that get sent from home. This past week I thought I was going to end up dying from a stomach issue. I asked for a blessing Monday night and I knew that my family and friends would be praying for me. I will tell you all now That I testify of priesthood power and the ability that the lord has to answer prayers. After Monday I made a complete turn for the better and I have had the best week and a more healthy stomach than ever before. It was an amazing experience.

Ye are a light on a Hill:


I was standing up on a bus when I noticed a young boy gawking at me. He started to measure how tall from afar and continued to stare astounded, telling all of his friends to look at the gringo on the bus! It made me laugh and I just kept on standing there. He sat down with my companion and my companion started to tell him about the plan of salvation. It was a spiritual moment and I began to think of Matthew 4:14-16 and How much I stick out. Missionaries stick out enough but I am a Gringo(White Person) who is super tall and It came to me that I really did stick out like an Eifel tower in a small town. I thought about the meaning of light in these verses and compared it to the spirit of a testimony. God has put us on a hill and it is up to us to shine for the souls of the world. If we try our hardest to shine through the storm the lord will help us to grow stronger and stronger. If we do not try our hardest why would the lord want to help augment the light of our testimonies in christ.

A Song came to my mind, the lyrics go: This little light of mine Im gonna let it shine let it shine let it shine let it shine! My previous companion and I would sing that song when we were having a bad day at the top of our lungs and it brought a smile to my face! I felt so full of the spirit and This all happened on a bus ride home! 

I just want all of you to know that you all are lights of hope in my life! The world is a dark fallen place and I find the strength to keep on going thanks to each and every one of you! Often times I find myself waking up in the morning remembering a dream of sitting at weber state having just had a long talk with my weber gang, or sitting on the sidelines of an Eagle High Soccer game with all of my sports med friends or sitting at home in a field of grass just watching my family have a fun time throwing the frisby... Keep shining!


Elder Tanner

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